Hi there everyone, new to this platform but it looks absolutely amazing and definitely considering a subscription. One thing I’ve noticed which I feel to be lacking is the inability to add an audio file to whatever you are reading so that you can both read and listen together; not necessarily synced since that’s very tough, but just the ability to play and pause at will while reading.
Especially when it comes to smaller things like short stories, articles etc, the built-in TTS is wonderful to have available, but when native audio exists, it’s obviously ideal to be able to use that instead. I’m not sure if there’s a technical limitation preventing this, but it’d be an amazing addition. Thanks for reading!
This is definitely on my mind at the moment since it’s been requested a bunch. No promises but I’m thinking about it.
One workaround in the meantime would be to use the YouTube functionality: Synchronize transcriptions to YouTube videos. You’d need to find or upload a video to YouTube with the audio first. This was implemented a long time ago and is missing niceties like automatic transcribing and synchronizing, and the manual synchronization is a bit time consuming.