If you are having problems signing in or staying signed in to the Web Reader, please check whether you have any of the following restrictions enabled in your browser settings:
ad blocker
content blocker
third party cookies disabled
cross site tracking disabled
These are known to cause problems for Readlang’s authentication.
iOS Safari users should open the Settings app, look for Safari → Privacy and Security, and ensure that the “Prevent Cross-Site Tracking” and “Block All Cookies” settings are both disabled.
macOS Safari users, should open Safari’s Preferences → Privacy settings and ensure that “Prevent cross-site tracking” and “Block all cookies” settings are both unchecked.
Firefox users should follow these instructions: Install Web Reader on Firefox
(It’s unfortunate that these steps are required, since there are privacy concerns, but they are required because Readlang works by injecting code to the web-site you are reading and that code needs to know which Readlang account you are signed in to. In general the Chrome extension is better at keeping you signed in.)