Readlang on newer Kindles

Just to let people know, but the 12th Edition of the Kindle Paperwhite got a speed bump. I used it with Readlang and the web browser and found it worked much better than I expected, but occasionally it would refresh the whole page while I was reading. I switched to refresh page with every page turn and it seemed to solve that issue.

I borrowed a Kindle Scribe and thought the experience of using Readlang was even better. The extra space made it very easy to read.

The only issue I’ve found is that you can’t tap and drag over numerous words at once for a phrase. IF I want a phrase I have to tap each word individually and they combine as a phrase.

Other than that I’d recommend a newer Kindle if you want a simple/easy way to use Readlang without distractions.

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Good to know, thanks for sharing! I and some others were sharing experiences with other eink devices here: Readlang on ebook reader

I’ve also learned about this new tablet which looks very interesting: It’s apparently “like e-ink, but faster”.