Import flashcard from CSV

Hello Steve and the community,

I would like to request a feature for importing flashcards from a CSV file into Readlang.
Currently, I see that it is possible to export words from Readlang to CSV, but I would greatly appreciate an option to import them as well. This feature would be incredibly helpful for users who already have their flashcards organized in CSV format (Anki for example), and want to have all the words in one place.

Thank you for considering this suggestion!

Best regards,


Hi @Steve ,

Do you have any plan to implement this?
I think this shouldn’t take much time.

Thank you very much!

I do, but I’ve learned that it’s best not to promise anything since a) there are so many competing ideas and b) sometimes things can be more complicated than you first think. So yes, but that’s not a promise!

Is there one standard Anki export format that would make sense for Readlang to support?


Thank you for your response!

I think that .csv is the best format for universal use. You can specify the required fields, etc.

In fact, my use case isn’t Anki, but rather ChatGPT. I use it to parse and translate highlighted words from my PDF screenshots, then produce the .csv list. This allows me to read PDF files and better translate / use custom GPT prompts for explanation.

I’ve been thinking about this as well, as I have a large collection of vocabulary that I’ve already practiced through Parley and if I could get them into Readlang including progress, then I’d love to do that (among other things, I haven’t touched them for ears so basically the whole collection is ready for review and I’d love to revise it sorted by frequency). For me, the columns I’d like to see moved over would be:

  • target language item
  • synonym(s)
  • mother tongue translation
  • context(s) (I’ve used an additional “third side of the flashcard” which can be mapped onto Readlang’s context reasonably well)
  • last revision date
  • next revision date (or current spaced repetition interval) as determined by the software I was using
  • ideally also: image (as name of a file in supplied flat directory that I’d supply together with the import)
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I’ve added this as a hidden beta feature for now. Please give it a try and let me know what you think: Secret .csv word import feature available

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