How do we add mp3 files?

How do we add mp3 files to the text to listen to instead of the TTS, please?

And for Arabic TTS, please change it to whatever LingQ uses, which sounds more natural.

Thank you.

Are you referring to the TTS which (a) plays individual words or phrases that you click on or (b) plays when you click the play button at the bottom of the reader page (Read-Aloud feature)?

At the moment Readlang uses Microsoft Azure TTS for the voice which premium subscribers hear when clicking on words and phrases with “speaking mode” enabled, which I’ve found to be quite good quality for the languages I’m familiar with.

For Arabic, I selected a female Egyptian voice. Is there a different region’s accent you would prefer? They have voices from other regions too although these aren’t actually available within Readlang at the moment:

| Locale  | Language                  | Voices                                |
| `af-ZA` | Afrikaans (South Africa)  | `af-ZA-AdriNeural`   (Female)         |
|         |                           | `af-ZA-WillemNeural`   (Male)         |
| `am-ET` | Amharic (Ethiopia)        | `am-ET-MekdesNeural`   (Female)       |
|         |                           | `am-ET-AmehaNeural`   (Male)          |
| `ar-AE` | Arabic (UAE)              | `ar-AE-FatimaNeural` (Female)         |
|         |                           | `ar-AE-HamdanNeural` (Male)           |
| `ar-BH` | Arabic (Bahrain)          | `ar-BH-LailaNeural` (Female)          |
|         |                           | `ar-BH-AliNeural` (Male)              |
| `ar-DZ` | Arabic (Algeria)          | `ar-DZ-AminaNeural` (Female)          |
|         |                           | `ar-DZ-IsmaelNeural` (Male)           |
| `ar-EG` | Arabic (Egypt)            | `ar-EG-SalmaNeural` (Female)          |
|         |                           | `ar-EG-ShakirNeural` (Male)           |
| `ar-IQ` | Arabic (Iraq)             | `ar-IQ-RanaNeural` (Female)           |
|         |                           | `ar-IQ-BasselNeural` (Male)           |
| `ar-JO` | Arabic (Jordan)           | `ar-JO-SanaNeural` (Female)           |
|         |                           | `ar-JO-TaimNeural` (Male)             |
| `ar-KW` | Arabic (Kuwait)           | `ar-KW-NouraNeural` (Female)          |
|         |                           | `ar-KW-FahedNeural` (Male)            |
| `ar-LB` | Arabic (Lebanon)          | `ar-LB-LaylaNeural` (Female)          |
|         |                           | `ar-LB-RamiNeural` (Male)             |
| `ar-LY` | Arabic (Libya)            | `ar-LY-ImanNeural` (Female)           |
|         |                           | `ar-LY-OmarNeural` (Male)             |
| `ar-MA` | Arabic (Morocco)          | `ar-MA-MounaNeural` (Female)          |
|         |                           | `ar-MA-JamalNeural` (Male)            |
| `ar-OM` | Arabic (Oman)             | `ar-OM-AyshaNeural` (Female)          |
|         |                           | `ar-OM-AbdullahNeural` (Male)         |
| `ar-QA` | Arabic (Qatar)            | `ar-QA-AmalNeural` (Female)           |
|         |                           | `ar-QA-MoazNeural` (Male)             |
| `ar-SA` | Arabic (Saudi Arabia)     | `ar-SA-ZariyahNeural` (Female)        |
|         |                           | `ar-SA-HamedNeural` (Male)            |
| `ar-SY` | Arabic (Syria)            | `ar-SY-AmanyNeural` (Female)          |
|         |                           | `ar-SY-LaithNeural` (Male)            |
| `ar-TN` | Arabic (Tunisia)          | `ar-TN-ReemNeural` (Female)           |
|         |                           | `ar-TN-HediNeural` (Male)             |
| `ar-YE` | Arabic (Yemen)            | `ar-YE-MaryamNeural` (Female)         |
|         |                           | `ar-YE-SalehNeural` (Male)            |

Oh, and welcome to the forum! :slight_smile:

There’s no option to add mp3 files at the moment, although I agree that would be a great feature. The closest thing to this that exists is the sync to YouTube feature: YouTube Transcriptions - Readlang Blog (this does feel a bit out of date now though, requiring you to manually provide a transcription and manually sync this transcription to the text, whereas you’d probably expect this to be done automatically now)

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MP3 uploads are now available to premium subscribers! Read more about this here: NEW mp3 audio upload with auto-transcription!