Can't get phone app to work

I just found Readlang and have it on my laptop.

I was trying to put it on my phone. I have logged in, installed the app but when i go to a spanish website it does puck it up and invite me to put a word or the article into Readlang.

Any ideas what i need to do to correct this.

There is no actual Readlang app in the mobile app stores. But you can install it to your homescreen by following these instructions: Install Readlang on your iPhone, iPad or Android home screen

There’s also the web reader, but I warn you that this is quite fiddly to install and use on mobile at the moment: Install and use the Web Reader. One day I hope to improve the usability of the web reader and/or importer on mobile. For now, if it’s possible for you to import articles on desktop and then use your phone for reading and practicing flashcards, I would recommend that workflow since it works very well.

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Thank you very much.

I did notice that something I read on the phone did go to my account on my PC

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