I have too many words in my wordlist, is there an easy way to delete all those from certain documents that I have imported, or to see a full list and delete some of them, or even delete them all and start again?
I have too many words in my wordlist, is there an easy way to delete all those from certain documents that I have imported, or to see a full list and delete some of them, or even delete them all and start again?
To delete all the cards:
So easy. You are a star. Thank you.
What does starring a word do ? I’ve had a bit of a look and I can’t see what it does.
Thanks very much for the explanation @banshee_nocturno !
All starred words are prioritized more highly by the spaced repetition algorithm powering the different practice sessions, so if you want to focus on learning certain words you can star them. Also, it allows you to easily find them in the Word List tab by clicking the “Starred” filter at the left hand side of the page: