Uploaded audio does not sync


When I upload audio I get a transcription and I can listen to the audio. But when I play the audio the word being spoken isn’t getting highlighting.

This is supposed to work automagically right? I have tried it with a couple of audio files with the same result.

Here is a minima example that I made. Test file



That example you posted does work for me. I see the highlight moving as the audio is playing.

Please let me know which device and browser are you using so that I can try to replicate this issue myself (assuming I have access to an appropriate device).

I’m experiencing the same issue on my Android phone while using Chrome. I’m learning Arabic and uploaded an hour-long audio file. It works perfectly on my desktop, but not on my phone.

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Thats really interesting. I have tried on Brave, Chrome and Safari on my macbook as well as safari on my iPhone. All with the same result. What device/browser are you using?

I have also noticed that the highlighting works for me on texts synced to youtube videos.

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Thank you very much for confirming this. I’ve just investigated further and it turns out it was happening in all browsers for any account which hadn’t changed the audio playback rate. I’ve fixed it so please refresh your Readlang browser tabs and it should work now.


Thank you! It works now :slight_smile:

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