Sometimes when i am using the quick prompt that i stored under the asking ai bar, the quick prompt box will jump quickly. As long as i move the mouse, it will keep jumping. When i stop moving the mouse, it will stop too. I can’t upload the video to show the problem for some reason, but i attach a video screenshot and hope it can clarify my description.
I’ve tried reproducing this in both Google Chrome and Firefox on macOS. What does happen is that if the content of the explanation and screen height are within a certain range, hovering over the “Ask AI” input field to show the recent prompts will cause the scrollbar to show, thus shrinking the horizontal width and causing the text to reflow. This isn’t too objectionable though.
I’m aware of an effect that can sometime happen where every slight mouse movement causes things to flicker like crazy. Is that what’s happening for you? I couldn’t get that particular thing to happen here. If this is happening, please let me know which operating system and browser you are using, and also whether the problem happens frequently.