Suggestion - shelves

I’m finding shelves rather useful, but I think it would be even more useful if there was the option of listing the texts in alphabetical order, to make things easier to find.

Another thing, although I discovered by accident how to change the shelf name (by hovering over it when the shelf is open), I haven’t discovered if it’s possible to remove a text (mistakenly added) to a shelf. There’s an option to “delete text”, but I assume that deletes it from the main collection as well.

Now for something completely different. When you connect to YouTube, or load a web page via the Chrome extension, ReadLang converts the title into a link. I think it would be useful to be able to do the same for articles I copy and paste.

I’d like to say how much I enjoy using ReadLang overall, especially after the two recent developments - audio upload and YouTube syncing using the time labels. I didn’t use to use the video function, as I thought it was too much bother syncing just to watch, say, a ten minute video. Then came “Disable Sync”, which I think was a great improvement. And now another big step forward, syncing with time labels, which takes only seconds, and has been working fine for me.

Audio upload is also a great game changer, not only for podcasts, but for example for YouTube videos where there is no transcription, or where you want a more formatted transcription than the one YouTube gives. Just one thing though. I find that sometimes the mp3 playback hangs a bit, or doesn’t play at all - it shows a revolving wheel, as though it’s buffering. It doesn’t bother me too much, as I tend to delete the audio file and listen on my own device. It’s the transcription I’m really after. But it could be a problem for others.

Thanks for all your hard work.


You can remove a text from a shelf by Browsing to that shelf, selecting the test you want to remove, selecting arrange on shelves and unselecting it from the list.

OK. Got it, thanks. And it worked. :slight_smile: