Sometimes there is no sound at all

Sometimes, but not every time, the spanish word is not pronounced at all. I’ve seen that twice with “sucedería”. The first time I got it wrong and it wasn’t pronounced. Then I got it right and it wasn’t pronounced. I will try to pay attention for anything further I can add to help with reproduction. Right now I can’t think of any reason this is only an intermittent problem.

Thanks for the bug report. I haven’t noticed it myself but will look out for it. Does it also not work if you press the blue audio replay button that looks like this?


Hi Steve! I am going to revise my issue. It is possible you won’t regard it as a bug, but as a feature ;->

When I am going fast, and feel pretty confident, I often press 1-4 followed by a Return, within the same second. I think the carriage return aborts the speaking. Personally I would vastly prefer I heard the correct answer read, regardless. First of all it provides consistent behavior, which keeps me in flow. Second, hearing the voice trains my ear.

I understand if you think the abort of the reading is a “feature”. I consider it a bug, but I understand if you feel differently – and I will survive.

At this point I honestly don’t know if the speaking really doesn’t play some times, even when I go slow. I know it sometimes doesn’t play when I go at my normal speed…but my normal speed may seem abnormal to you! ;->. If I see anything else which creates the skipping of the voice I will let you know. Pressing the speaker icon definitely works…except I never press it, normally, because I would have to lift my hands out of position in order to manipulate the pointer.

P.S. Which reminds me… at the end of every 25 words. I have to use the mouse to get started with another set of words. Is there a convenient button I can press instead?

P.P.S. A back button remains on my list of desired features as well. When I get an answer WRONG I am usually already on to my next test, as well, before I even realize I got it wrong. At that point it would be nice if I could review the choices and what I chose. But at that point, because I am going fast, it is usually too late.

When you press Return to progress to the next card, in many cases (when the target language word is in the next card’s prompt) it will trigger speaking of the next word, which stops speaking of the current word so that you don’t hear two words overlapping simultaneously. It’s very likely that this is the “problem” you’re experiencing.

Thanks also for the rest of your feedback. I’ll bear it in mind.