Request: Remember translations within text and be able to turn them on and off

I often make 2 or 3 passes reading a book.
First reading as much in a flow state as possible without translation and words or phrases.
Then re-reading and marking (or highlighting in readlang) words or phrases which I could not translate surely into English. I then look them up (or do flashcards in readlang).
Finally, re-reading sections where there are highlighted words and/or written in translations.

It would be great if :

  1. words or phrases which were initially/previously looked up could be marked, e.g. underlined to provide a visual reference of where the uncertainties were and alternatively, or in the next step
  2. the translations above these previously translated words and phrases are all visible at the time of the re-read as if it were the first read-through.

It’s already possible to do something very similar to 1: you can have all words for which you have flashcards, or only those for which you have ready-to-practice flashcards, underlined. Just open the right panel while reading and find the right option: