Reading w Voice, page repeats if I click near bottom of page

I’m actually reporting two bugs. One I have been living with for a long time, but didn’t bother to report: The the voice traverses a longer phrase it often, but not always, repeats the phrase and then simply stops in the middle of the phrase. I have to unhighlight the phrase and restart reading in order to clear that obstacle. As I said, I’ve lived with this bug for many months – probably from the first time I found out about the voice synthesis, last fall.

But the 2nd bug is brand new, and nothing has changed on my end. And it is more irritating: When I click on any word, when I am near the bottom of the page, the reading jumps back to the top of the page and insists on reading the entire page again. If there are long phrases in that page, already highlighted, the voice gets stuck again, and I have to delete the phrase highlighting again, etc.

I am using an older version of Brave browser on an older version of MacOS. I can’t update to a newer version of Brave without updating the whole OS, and I am afraid to do that without a full backup of my entire disk, which is difficult to do while travelling without a back up computer.

As I said, this 2nd bug is brand new, as in the last few days. I’m thinking you might want to look at any coding you did on the voice synthesis feature for book reading in the last week?

PS. Okay it seems to happen near the bottom when the highlight absorbs the space of the last line, forcing the last line onto the next page. At that point this bug kicks in and when I restart the reading the reading proceeds to the end of the current page and then jumps back up to the start of the same page. I will play with this some more, but it appears to happen every time I click on any single word near the page bottom which causing part of sentence ahead to get advanced to the next page.

Thanks for looking at this. This is 10x more irritating than bug #1, because it happens all the time.

I’ve just fixed a couple of issues related to this, including:

  • bug where Read Aloud wouldn’t progress to the next page in the case where the last span on the page was a translated phrase (this could be your 2nd bug)
  • bug restarting Read Aloud playback from being paused within a translated phrase

Please refresh any Readlang tabs you may have open and let me know if you continue to see any similar issues.

I think you got both bugs! I have been trying to recreate both and, so far at least, everything is working perfectly! Thank you!

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1 day later followup:

(1) The Reading Loop bug (when I click at the bottom of the page) is either back, or it never left; if the latter, I don’t know why I didn’t see it yesterday. Maybe today I just pushed the Reading hardr. Today, anyway, it is consistently back. And I did do a page refresh, to no avail. That means I can reproduce it, I think, every time. On the 2nd read through (all the words left highlighted) it reads through and then, finally, goes to the next page.

(2) The good news is you definitely swatted the other reading bug: highlighting longer phrases without getting stuck in an endless loop is very nice.

(3) The Blitz bug I reported (not pronouncing the word in Spanish when I go quickly to the next test) is definitely irritating and I think you should definitely consider it a bug (not a “feature”). There is nothing to be gained by not reading the foreign language phrase back every time, and the reinforcement opportunity is lost. I really hope you will fix this. The pause between the time I make my numeric selection and the time the word or phrase gets spoken appears to be inconsistent…with some phrases, especially, taking notably longer to start than others; it seems likely to me that if you just tighten up this lag time enough, the time gap between my pressing the number and my pressing the carriage return will be shrunk and the “bug” will just disappear.

(4) As an alternative solution: As you know, I previously suggested as an improvement that you allow me to turn off the automatic/random switching between leading with english and leading with the spanish and SET the lead mode. And I would think that would be very straightforward and simple on your coding end – and it would definitely add a major feature (for reasons previously explained at length).

So maybe you can just allow me to set the lead language and have done with this, at least for now ;-? Please, please, please??? ;->