Pure white background, please!

Boox finally shipped the Note Max. This will be my main reading device until the next one comes along. The size is perfect for Readlang. Even with the sidebar open, I sill have a page worth of text available. The super refresh technology makes it smooth. The contrast is very good on this Carta 1300 display and the background is very white, unless I’m using it on Readlang. The current background lowers the contrast of this great screen.

This is the pefect device to read books in electronic form. It’s virtually indistinguishable from paper, but Readlang detracts for it. It used to be that the hardware was the constraint. In this case, that’s no longer the case.

Can you please add a pure white background? That would be the best option for for all e-ink devices. For Flashcards as well. I also have a Book Palma 2 and ocasionally do flashcards on that when on the go.

Thank you!

I’ve just added an “E-Ink” option in the reader page AA tab in the sidebar, here:

This only applies to the reader page and makes the main text the highest possible contrast: pure black text on a pure white background. It’s very likely that there are certain UI elements I’ve missed and now look out of place in this new color scheme. If you notice anything like this or have other feedback, please let me know!


This is awesome!!!

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