List of keyboard shortcuts in Readlang

Reader Page

  • Left Arrow: go to previous page (or next page for right-to-left languages)
  • Right Arrow: go to next page (or previous page for right-to-left languages)
  • Space or k: Play/Pause if either Read Aloud or a YouTube video is available for the current text
  • j or Up Arrow: Skip back about 8 words (if Read Aloud is available)
  • l or Down Arrow: Skip forwards about 8 words (if Read Aloud is available)
  • E: Toggle Explain tab in sidebar
  • D: Toggle Dictionary tab in sidebar
  • W: Toggle Words tab in sidebar

Blitz & Mastery Practice

  • Enter or Space: Advance to next challenge
  • Ctrl + E (Cmd + E on mac): Toggle between practice and edit/explain views
  • 1, 2, 3, or 4: select multiple choice answer
  • Ctrl + / (Cmd + / on mac): Show hint (typing challenge only)
  • Ctrl + P (Cmd + P on mac): Replay audio (only while there’s a blue speaker icon visible next to the word/phrase you’re learning)
  • Ctrl + F (Cmd + F on mac): Toggle the favorite / un-favorite state of the current word or phrase
  • Ctrl + D (Cmd + D on mac): Delete the current word or phrase

Classic Flashcards

  • Enter or Space: Reveal answer
  • 1: Self grade as “no, did not remember”
  • 2: Self grade as “almost remembered”
  • 3: Self grade as “yes, did remember”
  • D: Delete flashcard
  • Left Arrow or Right Arrow: cycle through contexts (only if multiple contexts exist for the current card)
  • Ctrl + E (Cmd + E on mac): Toggle the “Edit Card” dialog
  • Ctrl + P (Cmd + P on mac): Replay audio (only while there’s a speaker icon visible at the bottom right of the word/phrase you’re learning)

Reader Page (YouTube videos only)

  • X: Switch to Translate mode
  • C: Switch to Sync mode
  • V: Switch to Play mode
  • Ctrl + ,: Jump backwards 5s
  • Ctrl + .: Jump forwards 5s
  • Ctrl + Shift + s: Toggle half speed playback

Ctrl+E on classic flashcards might also come in handy.

In Blitz mode, I’d prefer if “Continue” could also be triggered by the space bar - in that case, I woudn’t need to have both hands on the keyboard.

Agree with Ctrl+E for classic flashcards

Not completely convinced about spacebar just on Blitz mode since I think people will feel like it’s broken on Mastery mode when it doesn’t work. Maybe I could add it to both though. I’ll think about it and maybe test how it feels myself.

I’ve now added both of these keyboard shortcuts!

Blitz and Mastery mode will both continue to the next card upon hitting Space or Enter.

On Classic Flashcards, Ctrl+E (or Cmd+E on mac) will open or dismiss the Edit Card dialog.

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I’d love to see shortcuts to access the Explain, Dictionary, and Words tabs on the Reader page. I do a lot of clicking between those to make sure my card content is accurate for the context.

Another one I’d love is a shortcut to save updates in the Words tab. Sometimes I accidentally click away from it without saving because the definition and context and explanation are so long that I forget to scroll to click the button.


Thanks for the suggestion! I’ve just added shortcuts for Explain (E), Dictionary (D) and Words (W).

(Since these clashed with a couple of the shortcuts for switching modes while syncing YouTube videos, I’ve changed those keyboard shortcuts from W, E, R to X, C, V.)

I’m not keen on how this works at the moment since I agree it’s easy to forget to click Save. I’ve been wondering whether to just remove the Save button and auto-save instead (with an Undo button in case of mistakes).


These are fantastic, exactly what I’ve been hoping for and never thought to ask about – thank you!

And I agree, I’d love an auto-save, though I assume that requires a little more work than shortcuts. Thanks again for all your hard work!


Auto-save is now implemented! Please refresh your Readlang tab to ensure you’re running the latest version and give it a try. If you come across any problems with it please let me know!


Just wanted to pop in to say that I just noticed the new keyboard shortcuts and auto-save feature. Both of these save a lot of needless clicking around, so I appreciate them a lot! Thank you so much, Steve.

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