Install Web Importer bookmarklet

The Web Importer imports a stripped down, more readable version of a web-page which is often more pleasant than reading the original web page using the Web Reader.

Using Desktop Chrome

  1. Install the Web Reader Chrome Extension
  2. Right click on any web page and select “Import to Readlang”

Other desktop browsers

WARNING: The bookmarklet requires enabling 3rd party cookies in your browser. Use at your own risk.


You will need to make use of your browser’s bookmarks feature.

  1. Bookmark this page
  2. Edit the bookmarked URL and replace it with this exact code:
javascript:var readlangHostname='';document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(document.createElement('script')).setAttribute('src',window.location.protocol+'//'+new Date().getTime());


  1. Visit the web page you want to read
  2. Click the Readlang Web Importer bookmarklet you installed
  3. The article will now be in your Reading Queue

Hm… the bookmarklet does not do anything for me on Brave. Perhaps because it relies on being logged-in, just like the extension, only that the bookmarklet does not fall back to the login prompt when the user is logged out?

Using the extension requires lowering the overall security and privacy of the browser by allowing cross-site cookies on all sites as far as I can tell (please correct me as necessary).

I really think this add to queue feature would be better handled using an account specific token. That way it could work without cookies.

The Chrome extension doesn’t require cross-site cookies. That’s a big advantage over the bookmarklet.

That’s strange, because in Brave I have found that I need to create an exception from the third-party cookie suppression for every domain on which I want to queue content from into RL as otherwise I have to re-login once for every such domain.

Interesting. I guess Brave has stricter security settings than Chrome. On Chrome it works even with all third party cookies blocked, and Chrome is the only browser I’m testing the Chrome extension with at the moment. (IIRC the way I supported this was by doing all authenticated server requests from within the extension code instead of from the iframe)

There must be a more compatible way to code it. I sometimes use other extensions with similar functionality of sending the current URL to a server in Brave before and I never had issues with maintaining log-in status in those. An example is

Chrome being less strict with cookies than other browsers seems logical since ads are Google’s core business.

I don’t doubt that there’s some way of making it work in Brave. Using a token linked to your account isn’t a bad option. Hopefully one day I’ll get around to it. No promises though.