This post is sentimental and it’s not directly related to ReadLang. I’m posting it here because I think other language learners might enjoy this material.
In Czech, we say kolik řečí umíš, tolikrát jsi člověkem, which literally means “you’re as many times a human being as many languages you know”; the most English-sounding translation I’ve found is “With every new language you live a new life.
If you know only one language, you live only once.”
I think the adage is literally true: when I switch on my English/German brain, I become a slightly different person, because each language supports different kinds of thoughts.
Other people have had similar experiences. Just a few examples:
A lady named Carolina Herrera tells how it’s easier to talk about trauma in a language not related to the traumatic experience
J.R.R. Tolkien in defense of having his characters talk somewhat archaically (via
take an example from the chapter that you specially singled out (and called terrible): Book iii, ‘The King of the Golden Hall’. ‘Nay, Gandalf!’ said the King. ‘You do not know your own skill in healing. It shall not be so. I myself will go to war, to fall in the front of the battle, if it must be. Thus shall I sleep better.’ This is a fair sample – moderated or watered archaism. Using only words that still are used or known to the educated, the King would really have said: ‘Nay, thou (n’)wost not thine own skill in healing. It shall not be so. I myself will go to war, to fall …’ etc. I know well enough what a modern would say. ‘Not at all my dear G. You don’t know your own skill as a doctor. Things aren’t going to be like that. I shall go to the war in person, even if I have to be one of the first casualties’ – and then what? Theoden would certainly think, and probably say ‘thus shall I sleep better’! But people who think like that just do not talk a modern idiom. You can have ‘I shall lie easier in my grave’ or ‘I should sleep sounder in my grave like that rather than if I stayed at home’ – if you like. But there would be an insincerity of thought, a disunion of word and meaning. For a King who spoke in a modern style would not really think in such terms at all, and any reference to sleeping quietly in the grave would be a deliberate archaism of expression on his part (however worded) far more bogus than the actual ‘archaic’ English that I have used. Like some non-Christian making a reference to some Christian belief which did not in fact move him at all.
Another person’s experience with translating texts:
@Sr1’s question has prompted me to start this thread:
My native language is Czech. My other languages are English, German (enough to watch a movie unless the characters talk in a dialect), Finnish (elementary) and Hebrew and Latin (eternal beginner). Plus I understand Slovak passively, but you could claim it’s just a dialect of Czech, so it doesn’t really count (with a little practice, all Czech people understand Slovak).
In this country, it’s common that people learn 2 foreign languages at school, and I haven’t progressed far in the other 3, so compared to my compatriots, I wouldn’t consider myself a polyglot.