I have noticed one interesting thing. I have quite a few words in my word list, however I can’t find a way to send them to practice. The words in the practice tab seems to be very simple for me. Is there a way for me to select words from the words list and make sure they are in the practice for the next couple of days?
Please check the forum, there is a hidden feature to add words.
by manuel
One thing you can do is to star the words in your word list that you want to prioritize. Starred words will be more likely to turn up in practice sessions. That said, if you get the starred words correct in your practices they will still be scheduled for a time in the future according to the spaced repetition algorithm so they won’t necessarily appear in your practice sessions every day.
Another thing you can do is to select the words you want to practice in the word list and then click Actions → Practice Flashcards to immediately start a practice session with those words: