Garbled capture chrome extension

Sometimes readlang captures only a part of the selected text or garbles the source with the target (see attachment)

Sorry about that. Do you have a link to the original webpage this came from so that I can test it myself?

If you want to fix this, you can use the menu at the top right of the practice page and select “Edit Phrase” which will allow you to edit the context. Or you could do the same thing from the Word List page.

Sánchez busca aliados frente a Musk y Trump

Thanks. I tried a couple of translations in the free snippet at the top but they worked fine for me. (Side note: I used to subscribe to El Pais but got annoyed with them for requiring me to call them on the phone to cancel my subscription!)

It looks as though an English translation of a different phrase has somehow snuck into the context. This is obviously not meant to happen and I’ve tried reproducing this bug myself but with no luck. To confirm: before translating “ha decidido” had you previously translated the phrase “quitar los controles en Facebook” using Readlang? If this happens again, or if you have any more information that would help me track this down, please let me know.

Happens after highlighting an entire phrase, then de-selecting, then wanting just to remember one word from the earlier phrase