Feature Request: Time and progress tracker

Hi how’s it going.
I’ve been getting quite a bit of progress on Readlang in Malayalam–
I plan on using it for and see how much progress I can get.

I have a lot of habits in my day, and I want to track how much time I spend on ReadLang and evaluate the progress that comes out of that time.


  • track time spent reading material
  • track time spent reviewing flashcards
  • track the amount of “acquired” vocabulary, however you might define that
  • track time for each language

In any case, I look forward to using this great app.


I think this is a good idea. I almost asked for tracking of my progress and speed (words/second) in Blitz but decided I was already asking for too many things, and didn’t know if this would be generally useful to others. If I was learning multiple languages, or i was trying to balance different aspects of learning, the ability to track would absolutely make a difference for me. But, again, if you add this as a feature, hopefully allow people to opt out or streak freeze indefinitely. Right now, for example, I am pushing hard at Blitz and almost totally ignoring new reading. That balance will eventually change.

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