I know this is a tool for language learning and not for taking notes and highlights. But it would be great if we can take notes or add highlights on sentences while reading.
The way I am kludging this is to edit the word with an additional definition which happens to be a symbol (usually I use the = sign, but your milage may vary). Then I write whatever I think pertinent. BTW, what I am coming to appreciate, myself, is that there are almost as many idiosyncratic ways to use readlang as there are users. So I appreciate the many things which are left open ended and, thus, can be bent to suit! ;->.
BTW this is what made Quicken and Quickbooks so awesome when they hit the small-business accounting market; it wasn’t just that they were revolutionary, it was that things like “classes” or “jobs” could be suborned to provide idiosyncratic workarounds/features, necessary for a wider variety of business needs.
I strongly support this feature request: the ability to save highlights and corresponding notes would make Readlang not only a language learning tool, but also a convenient reading tool in general, for those who used to paper books with margin notes etc. At the moment, I copy the quotations I want to save into the third party application, but this is far from an optimal solution.
Thanks for the “thumbs up”, Akutlin! The more people want something, the more likely it is Steve will try to add it.
I’m using the additional definition slots for things like weird mnemonics. Also, for alternate words, derivations, and things like context information I think I may want later. Of course, it would be better if much of this info was kept hidden, instead of always showing up as as another definition.
Thanks for the suggestion! I’ll consider it, although no promises!