Feature request: AI generated text from recently looked up words and phrases

I love Readlang - it’s my favorite language-learning tool!

However, I have a question or rather a suggestion:
Would it be possible to generate AI stories using the words and phrases from a user’s personal word list?

Here’s an example:
Let’s say you’ve just read 10 texts, each containing 2,500-5,000 words (e.g., podcast transcripts). In every text, you already know most of the words and phrases. However, there are about 10-20 rare words or phrases in each of these texts that you’ve never encountered before.

At this point, you have two options:

  1. Reread the entire text (which can be time-consuming).
  2. Study the unfamiliar words directly from your word list.

But what if there were a third option? What if you could use AI to generate a new text or story that incorporates these 100-200 words and phrases? This way, you could familiarize yourself with the unfamiliar vocabulary in an engaging, context-rich way.


I’ve been doing something similar to this in ChatGPT when I export unknown words to my flashcard app. I need to use GPT O1 as it seems too complex for GPT 4O. You can copy paste the list of words and enter a prompt that asks for “a story containing as many of the words above as possible”. I’ve had OK results, although it’s not perfect. Obviously not an ideal solution for folks that don’t have a ChatGPT account, but it mostly works.

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