Every word by frequency

Hello. I would like to request a feature:
I would like that, when i upload a text, the app automatically scans the text and counts the frequency of every single word, doesnt even have to take into consideration gramatical form if that is too hard, you can just count Straße and Straßen as different words if you want. Anyway. Then in the words section you can select a text from your library and it gives you a list of every word in that text sorted by frequency. From there you can select any word and mark it as known so it will not appear anymore in that list or any other list from other texts. With that it can also count how many words you know, by the number of words marked as known. Once you are left with only words you dont know sorted by frequency, you can start learning them from most common to least common with srs. I think this would be very usefull as i already do this on another site which only supports japanese and i find it very usefull. The site is jpdb if you want inspiration on how to implement it.

Bonus ideea. You can create a words by frequency list of every word present in any text on the site.

It’s a cool idea and I see the value in it. It could be difficult to implement though. The number of words Readlang would need to keep track of would explode. Right now it’s only those you click on, but with this proposal it would be every word in every text you upload, so it would take some serious consideration of how to do this in a efficient way and that doesn’t add too much complexity, so for that reason, it’s doubtful I’ll add it any time soon.