Epub with super scripts/hyperlinks

Looking at an epub file that has superscripts that reference a notes section at the back of the epub.

I’m really wondering 2 things, is it possible to respect the formatting of the superscript because when it’s imported it’s a little jarring when these superscripts are the same size as the rest of the test. See 11 and 12 in the following for an example:

Goe nu vrea să intre în compartiment,11 ci vrea să stea pe coridorul12 vagonului, cu bărbații.

The second thing is if it is possible to preserve the hyperlink associated with these, in the above example 11 and 12 are actually hyperlinks to page 40.

Thanks for the suggestion.

I’ve made a change which attempts to retain superscript text from epubs. The catch is that there are almost an unlimited number of ways to implement this within an epub file so there’ll be many cases in which it doesn’t work. If you want to test it with your epub you’ll need to reimport it. If it doesn’t work, feel free to email me at steve@readlang.com with the specific epub book and I’ll take a look to see if I can make it work.

Sorry but supporting hyperlinks, though a cool idea, is out of scope for Readlang at the moment.

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Yeah this works now with the epub I was looking at, thank you for the quick fix!

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@Steve something I’ve noticed with this feature is that phrase translation doesn’t work when there is a super script. For example, in this sentence (in the reader the superscripts are actually superscripts, not sure how to make them superscripts here):

Eu sunt iritabil,97 nu știu ce aș fi în stare98 să fac… de frică…

I can translate each phrase inbetween the superscripts, but I can’t translate the whole thing.

Sorry about this. This has been a long standing issue with bold and italic formatted text too. Fixing it is possible but not trivial so I’ve been avoiding it. I generally don’t translate long phrases, and I need them even less now with context-aware translations, so I haven’t found this to be a problem myself. Please let me know if this limitation is a frequent problem for you.

It’s not really an issue for my purposes, I can just copy paste to google translate if needed for these scenarios.