Different next page options

When reading I find that I am sometimes misclick on a word that is close to the side of a page and it moves me to the next or previous page.

I think a nice addition to have an option to make only the buttons change the page rather than also having the side margins change the page.

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Thanks for your feedback. I’ll bear this in mind.

Does this tend to happen for you more on mobile or on desktop?

I normally don’t read on my phone, rather I use a tablet or my desktop. This definitely happens more with the tablet vs my desktop where I use a mouse.

Thanks again for the feedback. If others confirm that they too have this issue I’ll consider a solution.

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This happens for me, too. Reading on Android phone. I would be glad to be able to turn off the page changing via clicking on side of text.

I’ve added a disableMarginButtons option here on the Settings Page for you to try this out:

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I’ll definitely be testing this out, thanks for adding it!

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I like it. It wasn’t a huge issue before but I would accidentally press the margins when I was trying to translate a word. It’s good to have the option to disable them.

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