Is it possible to add more folders/categories to the left menu in the word list? Currently, we have options like starred, not starred, scheduled, etc., but it would be great to have the ability to create custom categories. For example, if I need to prepare for an exam, I would like to review words in a dedicated list.
You might look at my first comment in the thread I can only Blitz max 25 of my 300+ selected phrases? to see part of how I set up, and gain access to, different categories of words (including words versus phrases, slang words, etc.) in Blitz mode. It isn’t formally coded in to readlang (except the search function in the WordList tab), but in some ways it is better than categories (including concision; ability to include many categories; see the categories along with the word; quickly edit categories, etc.).
Try it and maybe upvote my suggestion that the final step be of allowing derived lists with more than 25 words to be better supported in reviewing mode. To my mind it works like a charm and the single character categories (e.g., !@#$%^&+) are actually more powerful than the “star” support (although I am starting to use that in conjunction, for even more flexibility).
I am a big fan of programs which have allowance for individual needs and use cases. Most programs are over-rigid. Readlang, IMO, increasingly belongs in a category with Quickbooks and shell-scripting, which is much more user friendly.
Having a super programmer-host, who is so open to the community, tops it all, of course.
Anyway, please try my “categories” hack. I believe it can handle your use case remarkably well, already!